Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 9: Space and Art

            Space is one of the most fascinating, mysterious, and undiscovered places within our world. It is a place that can only be mapped out by science fiction, as exploration did not truly begin until the early 1960’s. What began as the Space Race between the Soviets and the United States eventually led to a great development in the understanding of the unknown. Over time, we have been able to land individuals on the moon, send rovers and challengers to Mars, and have equipment able to analyze planets, stars, and other objects in our Solar System through technology.
            This week I learned that humans were not the first living beings to enter space; this honor belongs to animals. These animals were used first by the Soviets to gauge whether going into space would be suitable for humans. The first human to reach space was Yuri Gagarian. Gagarian, a Russian Soviet, led the way for individual exploration into the greater unknown. Gagarian’s trip to space eventually led to the Apollo Space Shuttle Program, which after some major setbacks landed Neil Armstrong on the moon on July 20th, 1969. This accomplishment paved the way for space exploration, specifically with the moon and an eye towards planetary exploration.
            The synthesis between art and space has always been a fascinating thing to see.  One of the more interesting examples of this is Cosmic Dancer, a sculpture created by Arthur Woods. Woods’ sculpture was intended to be the first in space and integrate the world of art with outer space. The integration of space with this sculpture allows for it to be viewed at zero gravity, where the base of the sculpture is no longer keeping the sculpture set. Thus, the sculpture is weightless and can be viewed from any angle. This idea and fulfilled initiative furthered the combination of art with space.
            This week’s material on space and art reinforces the idea that art is used and combined in everyday life; in fields of study and in the world we live. Space has allowed art to expand within society to greater parts of this world never before realized, where individuals can now look to space as a place for their art to be envisioned.

"Apollo 11 Moon Landing Video, Neil Armstrong, We Choose to Go to the Moon, JFK – July 20, 1969." The Story of America RSS. Web. 28 May 2016.
"Cosmic Dancer - a Space Art Intervention by Arthur Woods." The Cosmic Dancer Project : Cosmic Dancer Introduction : Arthur Woods. Web. 28 May 2016.
"Cosmic Dancer - a Space Art Intervention by Arthur Woods." The Cosmic Dancer Project : Sculpture And Gravity : Arthur Woods. Web. 28 May 2016.
"Cultural Space Programme." KSEVT. 2015. Web. 28 May 2016.
Dunbar, Brian. "Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space." NASA. NASA, 2011. Web. 28 May 2016. Staff. "Apollo 11." A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 28 May 2016.
"Neil Armstrong." A&E Networks Television. Web. 28 May 2016.

The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. Web. 28 May 2016.


  1. It saddened me that so many lives were sacrificed as a result of space exploration. Although I do enjoy the findings that have preceded from the technological advances of space travel, I find it rather troubling the risks that we take in order to get to the next best thing. From animals, to humans, no lives should have to be put in jeopardy for the sake of space travel. Granted if it weren't for those lives taken, we would not be this far in technology or space travel. Essentially I am very conflicted with this week's topic.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've always been fascinated with space and the possibilities it can bring for us as humans and our future. I also like how you pointed out all that we've accomplished thus far. I pointed out that art and science fiction have helped push people's creativity and desire to get into space and other planets. However, I like how you pointed out the competitive side of the "Space Race." I also think that it's interesting that we haven't sent another human to the moon since. That being said, there are plenty of other explorations that could potentially change the way we view our own solar system.

  4. I also thought the the revolution of the living creatures sent into space was interesting. Going from a dog to, to a monkey, to humans is fascinating because each one becomes smarter and smarter and has to carry on more responsibility during the actual flight. I thought you did a good job explaining the Cosmic Dancer. This is something that I had never heard. It is a truly remarkable and unique structure
