Saturday, April 16, 2016

Week 3: Robotics and Art

            The world we live in today is a result of progress. This progress can be attributed to the industrial revolution where there became the birth of technical and mechanical innovation. Dating back earlier than the industrial revolution, was the cotton gin, America’s first economically beneficial mechanical device, and even further back, Gutenberg’s bible, which led to the mass growth of a product. The innovation of mass reproduction has created a society which new works can be shared with many individuals over great distances.
            However, mass reproduction has its negative effects, as Walter Benjamin writes in his essay about this having a negative affect on art, as its “aura” is diminishing. He claims throughout his writing that the reproduction of a single piece of art loses the value and integrity it should carry standing alone. This is the negative effect of mechanical industrialization and reproduction.  I find this claim to be somewhat valid, a reason why some things are not reproduced; however, for the betterment of society, reproduction is a necessary must and one that has helped develop our society into one of great ingenuity.
            Robotics is the modern model of technological innovation and has impacted our knowledge of the world beyond our pre-established notions. I want to specifically discuss Mars Exploration Rovers as the ideal form of robotics. Rovers were created as a way for our world to discover the complexities of space, specifically the contents that lie on the surface of Mars. This complexity is the combination of mechanical ingenuity, scientific innovation, and artistic designs, all of which are elements that combined are beneficial to our current society. The current Mars Rover project involves the search for water on the surface of the planet, truly displaying the magnitude mechanics and robotics has on our society today.

            Benjamin, Walter. “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Web. 15 Apr. 2016.
"Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Overview." Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Overview. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
"Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Technology." Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Technology. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
"Overview - Mars Science Laboratory." Overview - Mars Science Laboratory. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
            "Opportunity Mars Rover Marks 12 Years on Red Planet." Web. 16 Apr. 2016.



  1. I completely agree with you comment about how the progress of our world has been propelled forward by the industrial revolution. The Economic status has been accelerated by the industrial revolution and this point is another that I completely agree with.Your blog was very interesting and I especially found the part about the Mars Exploration Rovers to be one of the most interesting parts. The Mars Rover that is currently exploring the mars surface really shows how far our society has come.

  2. I like how you talked about the Gutenberg press as Eric Bollens pointed out as well. It's interesting although we don't initially think of the press as a robot; it has some key characteristics in common with modern robots. The ability, as you pointed out, to mass produce and recreate an object proved to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in human history. Now, we can apply the robotic functions of machines and have them rove around on new planets.
